Feathers of Gold

Book 1 of Dragons and Skylines

After her parents go missing, Grith, a young dragon used to a simple life of hunting and reading, is forced to take a job at a magical tech company in the middle of LA. Yet, hiding her nature is all but impossible: once taking a human shape is no longer an option, Grith must confront her dragon instincts, and finds that the job she’s accepted is far more dangerous than anything she could have imagined. The fate of the city depends on whether Grith decides to stand with humans — or apart from them.

Feathers of Gold Cover

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a dragon's tail

About the author

Rowan Silver

Rowan Silver has been a reader of dragon books as long as she can remember, and has always wanted to spread the same joy she felt when reading them. Her favorites were those which were seen from the eyes of a dragon, and creating more of those is her goal. In addition to being a writer, she’s also a physics student, and loves learning about how the world works. For updates on new books, you can find her and subscribe to her newsletter at www.rowansilver.com. She can be emailed at books@rowansilver.com

A unique urban fantasy setting and an entirely fresh perspective on tried and true fantasy tropes make both the series this book is starting and the author who wrote it one to watch in the future.

– Heather G. on Feathers of Gold

Also by Rowan Silver

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Feathers of Gold
Book 1 of Dragons and Skylines

After her parents go missing, Grith, a young dragon used to a simple life of hunting and reading, is forced to take a job at a magical tech company in the middle of LA . . .

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Eyes of Silver
Book 2 of Dragons and Skylines

Pret and Grith might be all that stands between the earth and all-out war . . .

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Scales of Pearl
Book 3 of Dragons and Skylines

War has come, and everyone might be doomed . . .

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Dragons of Frost and Fang

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